The PNW Squad is near and dear to our hearts and there's no better way to start the week than by introducing the newest member. We're thrilled to announce Karina (Kariz) García will be joining us and taking the Squad to the next level. Karina spends her time shredding in the forests of Guadalajara, Mexico, pushing herself and the next generation of mountain bikers to ride faster, jump further, and grow the local mountain bike scene. Welcome to the Squad, Karina!

How would you describe yourself in three words?
Dreamer, Active, Grateful
Tell us a bit about yourself. What’s the “CliffsNotes” version of your life story?
I come from a big family with six daughters and low income. From a very young age I had to work to pay for my studies. It was very difficult for me to pay for high school, so I had to drop out. Around that time my boyfriend, who is now my husband, introduced me to mountain biking. Since then, I have dedicated myself to working hard so I have the ability to buy my bikes, afford to travel, and ride in different places.
What makes you tick? What gets you out of bed in the morning?
The simple fact of knowing that I'm alive and I have a place to ride.
When did you start mountain biking and what was the progression like? Were you hooked from the start?
I started riding nine years ago and I progressed through a lot of hard training, riding in competitions, traveling to other countries, all with the support of my husband. It helped that I was able to spend two full seasons riding in the Whistler Bike Park.
What are some of your bike related goals?
To continue to learn and grow as a cyclist and as a human being. Also, to be able to share that knowledge with the new generations of riders.
What do you enjoy doing when you’re not riding bikes?
Rock climbing, going out to the forest with my dogs, listening to music, watching movies, and playing video games.

What’s your absolute favorite thing about riding bikes?
Feeling the peace of nature
What’s your least favorite thing about riding bikes?
Having to wake up very early
How do you hope to add to, or improve, the bike community?
Teaching the new generation of riders.
What’s your current music of choice? Do you have any songs, artists, or playlists that you’re hooked on?
Pink Floyd
Do you have any moments or memories of riding bikes that stand out from the rest?
Riding the Whistler Bike Park when there was a bit of snow on the ground.
Are you currently working on any projects that you’d like people to keep an eye out for? What can you tell us about it/them without spilling the whole secret?
Yes, I have a project with my husband that highlights various activities and services within mountain biking.
Want to follow Karina on social media? Check out her Instagram account for huge sends and to get a peak into the riding scene of Guadalajara